Incubation and Business Services


Business Planning and Forming a Company

Business plan, business model

Based on the start-up ideas, BBI will support individuals to complete the business project and plan for their project. These business models and plans will support the start-up’s first step to be more stable and firm.


Business/Entrepreneurship Training


Depending on the actual needs, BBI will organize training for start-ups. The training topics include: communication, branding, sales skills, accounting, and other business skills.


Access to Financial Capital

Portfolio build up

Funding is an indispensable part in starting a business. In order to support start-up project with better funding, BBI supports projects to complete a pitch deck and completes the necessary documents and information, as well as presentation skills to effective funding.


Access to funding (venture capitalists, angel capitals)

As a start-up support organization, BBI helps start-up projects connecting with investors and venture capitalists through meetings, programs in start-up ecosystems.


Business pro forma documents

BBI assists companies in completing their financial estimates to make the most complete and practical funding document.


Networking and Connectivity

Mentors/ Coaching 

This is an activity that is oriented to timely support start-up business in knowledge, resources, and business suggestions. Each start-up will be working with a main mentor. The mentor and start-up business are oriented to exchange activities through face to face meetings, email, skype to maintain an effective link, as well as ensure start-up businesses receive comments and develop their business as the set goals.


Linkages to strategic partners (accelerators, agencies, government officials)

Based on the development situations and future plans for start-up businesses, BBI takes on the role of introducing business to the strategic partners in the center. Strategic partner is understood as unit that have a deep cooperation with BBI in various professional fields and orient to support BBI and our start-up business members in their development journey.


Networking party

This is a period activity that creates opportunities to meet and exchange between partners and members of BBI, with the creative start-up community. Start-up business members, mentors, strategic partners of BBI, as well as faculties and EIU staff are encouraged to participate. This activity is believed to bring together talented individuals, create opportunities to exchange ideas, in order to combine and create more useful solutions for the community.


Access to database (Online and offline library)

Service that means to provide an easy and efficiency flat-form for start-ups in terms of knowledge. The resources are not limited to BBI’s database but also other school and EIU’s library and their library partners. The database will provide details information, documents related to all possible aspects of business.



Market Research

For startups, information about the business environment, customers and competitors always plays an important role in making the right decisions about strategy, investment or product launch. BBI provides support service in the provision of information, market research guides, as well as advice on data collection, information analysis as well as identifying appropriate strategies.


Brand building

Branding is one of the first steps, as well as the most difficult parts in the marketing planning process. This will identify the product, service of businesses compared to other businesses. By the expertise of the mentor and the experienced team in this field, BBI will advise start-up business in activities that define the brand’s objectives, and identify the audience. Additionally, provided lists, advises on developing the branding list such as branding, developing brand awareness systems, building company profile, and developing the product sale set.


Showcase of start-up companies

BBI will focus on introducing as well as creating conditions for start-up enterprise to participate in activities of exchanges, market research, and seminars about innovation. This is considered as an effective channel of communication and advertisement, as well as opening the opportunities for development and investment for start-up businesses.


Legal Services

Business registration

Depending on the needs and conditions of each company, BBI will advise the appropriate business types that can be established in Vietnam, as well as the procedures, costs needed to establish enterprise. BBI provides a full range of necessary forms, documents and instructions on how to complete the application to register a business. BBI can also conduct business registration to help start-up with the expenses will be paid by the company.


Intellectual Property

BBI advises on Vietnamese legal requirements required to register the intellectual property rights protection related to the intellectual property of the company as: copyright, trade name, invention, design industrial, and useful solution…Provide full forms of applications for protection registration based on each subject of protection and support the company to fill out the application for protection title, submission procedures and costs to pay. BBI can also conduct business protection registration to help start-up with the expenses will be paid by the company.


General legal services

During the operation, BBI will advise and support companies with related legal issues such as hiring labor, paying social insurance fees and taxtation, converting company type, changing in charter capital, preparing for trade contract…BBI will provide all necessary forms for each field when the company requests and instructs company how to fill in, use, and submission procedures to the government.


Accounting service

Assisting the company in finding, and working with auditing parties which are BBI’s trusted partners. These audit partners will help the companies to declare, report tax, calculate employee’s salaries, and finalize the company’s revenues and expenditures. The company will work and pay service fees directly to the audit service provider without going through BBI.


Product Development

Prototype development at Fablab

Service of linking up BBI’s tenants to one of the major fabrication labs in EIU campus. It is where Fablab technical team will provide state of the art computer-controlled tools for the making of the very first prototype of their business. It will empower every individual and start-up to create something for themselves.


R&D project (joint between university and company)

With the strength in a strong human resources of expertise in business and other industries as engineering or nursing, EIU and BBI is confident to the best place to house R&D projects. The projects may be in the form of joint project between university and company or company lay down the topic and university’s resource will work on it. The outcome later can be brought back to company or will be commercialize and create profit sharing among stakeholders.


 Engineering laboratories access

EIU laboratories always welcome everyone to access and use to do their own R&D projects. With a wide array of flexible and modern machines that cover different industries and length of scale, this service is believed to be able to help company’s complex projects.


Human Resource

Link up to Office of Community Engagement, EIU (OCE)

Whenever companies are in need of human capital, a strong linkage between BBI and OCE will help broadcast and introduce the best match talent to companies. The service includes job posting on various portal, directly send out to suitable candidates and access to the campus job fair interview at BBI.


Internship, part-time jobs

Thousand of EIU students from our majors such as: business, engineering, nursing are more than ready to join start-up teams in different mode of working as internship, part-time, full-time job.


Job posting in BBI social network

Excluded from the benefits from the OCE job link-up, BBI offers additional and immediate service to broadcast the recruitment in our online portals. The job information will reach directly to our dedicated members, our network of talents, as well as our subscribers in online portals.


Infrastructure/ Facility Based Service (Space leasing: working space, training space, event area)

Office space

The open workspace with the capacity for up to 100 seats for small start-up companies, looking forward to connecting more with others start-up groups, and saving the initial office rental cost. Fully furnished with furniture, filing cabinet, sockets, phonebooth and modern lighting and cooling system.

Private office with various types of rooms form 6 – 14 seats, fully equipped with tables, chairs, locker, common filing cabinets, sockets, data cables, wifi, air conditioners, and modern lighting. These types of workspace are suitable for companies that have been in operation for a while and need a private space for working, as well as store confidential company information and records.


Conference room and facilities

BBI currently has 8 conference rooms, 1 training room, 1 exhibition area, and seminars are provided completely free for companies. Each of above spaces are fully furnished that meet the needs of users including tables, chairs, sockets, projectors and projector screens, writing boards, sound, light, cooling system.



Both data wireless network system (WIFI) and high speed internet (LAN) will be provided to companies at BBI. If the company requires, we will provide a seprate LAN line for that individual seat to ensure the stable internet speed.